Beauty in the Shadows: the collection

April 10, 2019

By Kiley Freshwater


  There is beauty in the moments that we don’t share with others…

The moments that we deem as not being “share worthy”. In the age where everyone has access to an enormous amount of sharing opportunities…

I like to think on the beauty of the things that we keep to us.

The moments when your best friend comforts you for having a bad day…Getting the blood results back…Watching Netflix with your significant other…Changing your babies diaper…

Taking your pets to the vet…

We’re lucky to have best friends who care about us…That we have a functioning body to take care of….A significant other to spend time doing nothing with…A baby that needs a diaper change and pets to love.

 So there is an insurmountable amount of beauty in the things that we keep in the shadows from others…

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  1. Rhonda Mason says:

    Couldn’t agree more with this. xo

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